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Directory Topics Posts Last Post
Forum Rules
Please read!!!
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
Last Post: Forum Rules
1 1
by DOS
How To Donate...Please Read!!!
The place to learn how to donate.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
Last Post: How To Donate
1 1
by DOS
How To Change Themes On The Forum...Please Read!!!
The place to discuss how to change themes on the forum.
Topics: 1 Posts: 2
1 2
by sadie
How To Add GIFs, Tweets, Twitch, and Instagram to your posts.
The place to learn how to add GIFs, Tweets, Twitch, and Instagram post to your posts.
Topics: 1 Posts: 12
1 12
How to enable signatures in your posts.
The place to learn how to enable signatures in your posts.
Topics: 1 Posts: 3
1 3
How To Pick Up An App For PcTechForum.NET.
This is the place to discuss picking up the App for
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
by DOS
This is the place where you post first. Come on in and introduce yourselves. Tell everyone how you found this forum.
Topics: 210 Posts: 253
210 253
Main Forum
The place to discuss various topics.
Topics: 20 Posts: 25
20 25
The place to discuss tech news.
Topics: 168 Posts: 189
168 189
Head To Head Benchmarks
The place to discuss how various PC components go head to head to see which ones has the best benchmarks.
Topics: 28 Posts: 28
28 28
Local News
The place to discuss local news going on in your city or state.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
The place to discuss various CPUs.
Topics: 16 Posts: 16
16 16
AMD Processors
The place to discuss AMD processors.
Topics: 98 Posts: 118
98 118
Intel Processors
The place to discuss Intel processors.
Topics: 49 Posts: 50
49 50
The place to discuss what's going on in the media.
Topics: 2 Posts: 4
2 4
Graphic Cards
The place to discuss graphic cards.
Topics: 194 Posts: 230
194 230
Tech Talk
The place to discuss various topics in the world of computing, and other subjects in regards to personal computing.
Topics: 12 Posts: 13
12 13
Laptops and Tablets
The place to discuss laptops and tablets.
Topics: 40 Posts: 48
40 48
Hard Drives
The place to discuss hard drives.
Topics: 19 Posts: 25
19 25
Solid State Drives...SSDs.
The place to talk about solid-state drives.
Topics: 8 Posts: 14
8 14
M.2 Drives
The place to discuss M.2 drives.
Topics: 25 Posts: 28
25 28
Power Supplies
The place to discuss power supplies.
Topics: 16 Posts: 19
16 19
Computer Cases
The place to discuss computer cases.
Topics: 11 Posts: 14
11 14
CPU Cooling
The place to discuss CPU cooling.
Topics: 23 Posts: 27
23 27
Keyboards and Mice
The place to discuss keyboards and mice.
Topics: 7 Posts: 11
7 11
The place to discuss monitors.
Topics: 28 Posts: 34
28 34
PC and Gaming Console Headphones
The place to discuss PC and gaming console headphones.
Topics: 5 Posts: 5
5 5
Speakers and Sound
The place to discuss speakers and sound.
Topics: 3 Posts: 7
3 7
Sound cards
The place to discuss sound cars.
Topics: 3 Posts: 4
3 4
The place to discuss motherboards.
Topics: 28 Posts: 28
28 28
The place to discuss memory.
Topics: 23 Posts: 25
23 25
Networking and the Internet
The place to discuss networking and the internet.
Topics: 8 Posts: 12
8 12
Thermal Compound
The place to discuss thermal paste for CPUs.
Topics: 3 Posts: 3
3 3
The place to discuss printers.
Topics: 3 Posts: 6
3 6
USB Flash Drives and SD Cards
The place to discuss USB flash drives and SD cards.
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
Virtual Reality
The place to discuss virtual reality.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
USB Cables
The place to discuss USB cables.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Computer Desks
The place to discuss computer desks.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
1 1
Pre-Built PCs
The place to discuss pre-built PCs.
Topics: 10 Posts: 16
10 16
Custom-Built PCs
The place to discuss custom-built PCs.
Topics: 7 Posts: 7
7 7
The place to discuss building a PC.
Topics: 11 Posts: 27
11 27
Desktop PCs
The place to discuss desktop pcs.
Topics: 6 Posts: 6
6 6
Apple Mac
The place to discuss Apple Mac computers. Apple laptops and desktops can be discussed here.
Topics: 4 Posts: 4
4 4
Compact and Mini PCs
The place to discuss compact and miniature PCs.
Topics: 5 Posts: 5
5 5
The place to discuss Android/IPhone computer phones.
Topics: 7 Posts: 9
7 9
Operating Systems
The place to discuss operating systems.
Topics: 22 Posts: 27
22 27
Wndows 95 (1/1)
Windows 98 (0/0)
Windows 2000 (0/0)
Windows XP (0/0)
Windows 7 (0/0)
Windows 8.1 (0/0)
Windows 10 (3/3)
Windows 11 (15/19)
Windows 12 (1/2)
Linux (0/0)
Computer Software
The place to discuss computer software.
Topics: 7 Posts: 10
7 10
Drivers And Software
The place to discuss drivers and software.
Topics: 4 Posts: 4
4 4
PC gaming
The place to discuss gaming on a PC.
Topics: 85 Posts: 115
85 115
Console Gaming
The place to discuss console gaming.
Topics: 21 Posts: 21
21 21
Gaming Consoles
The place to discuss gaming consoles.
Topics: 51 Posts: 51
51 51
A.I.(Artificial Intelligence)
The place to discuss A.I.(Artificial Intelligence)
Topics: 19 Posts: 19
19 19
Favorite Tech YouTuber's Videos
The place where discuss our favorite YouTubers who are in tech. Post their videos here.
Topics: 10 Posts: 10
10 10
The place to discuss business.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Tech Businesses
The place to list tech businesses.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Sales And Latest Deals
The place to post, and discuss, sales and latest deals on computer hardware and software.
Topics: 41 Posts: 44
41 44
Expert PC Builders
The place to search for expert PC builders and come back with the details from them. You may also ask them to join this site as well.
Topics: 1 Posts: 7
1 7
by DOS
My Favorite PC and Tech Wish List.
The place to discuss, and come up with, your wish list for computer parts to upgrade or build a custom PC. It's also the place to discuss buying Pre-Built PC's as well.
Topics: 1 Posts: 1
Last Post: My Dream Rig.
1 1
by DOS
PC History
The place to discuss the history of personal computing.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Other Tech Sites
The place to talk about other tech sites.
Topics: 2 Posts: 5
2 5
The place to discuss troubleshooting on a PC.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Tech Assistance
The place to discuss tech assistance with your PC.
Topics: 2 Posts: 7
2 7
by DOS
PC Tech / IT Success Stories
The place to discuss people who have had success in PC Tech / Information Technology.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Other Topics
The place to discuss other topics.
Topics: 20 Posts: 32
20 32
Job listings
The place to put job listings on the forum. If you know of a good position that someone may be interested in, make a post about it here.
Topics: 2 Posts: 3
2 3
The Highly Recommended PC Parts And Software
The place to discuss the highly recommended PC parts and software.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Site Suggestions and Feedback
The place to discuss suggestions for the site, and feedback.
Topics: 1 Posts: 6
1 6
The Spam Channel
The place that people can put their spam in. Don't litter the rest of the board with your posts. Or you will be banned and then deleted. Also, I will remove the comments in this section at my own discretion.
Topics: 25 Posts: 45
25 45

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