Another technique is to add stylized details to the letters to make the overall design more decorative and interesting well. You can also combine the letters in an imaginative way, as Antipodes Merino and DTR Partners have done. If all of these strategies fail, you can always invent a new typeface to express your brand personality. This is the first time we've seen a K like the one in Kyber Capital's logo, but we have no doubt that it is indeed the letter K. Typographic monochrome logos are great for brands that... Emphasize their name, and therefore make Brand recognition a priority Bear the name of their founders Are too formal for a mascot or pictogram Modern monochrome logos — The natural minimalism of monochrome logos goes well with various modern styles. Today's trending aesthetic encourages a minimalist approach and from this perspective, the use of multiple colors seems downright decadent.
Northampton logo Northampton logo design by ludibes Third photo retouching service Eye logo Third Eye logo design by Ian Douglas Accident Insurance Resource logo Accident Insurance Resource logo design by csoki Nyrdy logo Nyrdy logo design by alle Unblushing logo Unblushing logo design by artsigma Jamie Groom logo Jamie Groom logo design by Ludibe's Modern style is hard to pin down, but here are the most common characteristics of Abstraction. Shapes that do not represent anything in particular, such as those in Third Eye's logo, are typical of modern logos. Angular or geometric shapes. Designs made from grids, such as the Northampton logo, appear futuristic because of their many features that immediately make one think of “state-of-the-art” products. creativity. Artistic and modern styles have a lot in common. Nyrdy's monochrome logo, for example, could fall into either of these two categories. But its angular and minimalist forms definitely make it fall into the category of modern logos marginality.
If there was no missing quarter to the G of the Jamie Groom logo, it would have been put in the category of typographic logos. But it is precisely this little missing quarter that gives it its much sought after modern aspect. Humor. Along the same lines as marginality, logos that show humor also fall into this category. Accident Injury Resource plays on the known emblem of justice, the scales, not only to represent their line of business, but also as a joke. The modern style is particularly recommended for young and trendy brands with informal personalities. But this also means that this style is to be avoided for companies wishing to play on their seniority and respect for traditions. It all depends on how you want to be perceived. for brands that... Target a young audience Benefit from appearing futuristic or avant-garde Base their branding on humor or originality Want to add a touch of originality to their otherwise conventional style Black (and white) is back.
Northampton logo Northampton logo design by ludibes Third photo retouching service Eye logo Third Eye logo design by Ian Douglas Accident Insurance Resource logo Accident Insurance Resource logo design by csoki Nyrdy logo Nyrdy logo design by alle Unblushing logo Unblushing logo design by artsigma Jamie Groom logo Jamie Groom logo design by Ludibe's Modern style is hard to pin down, but here are the most common characteristics of Abstraction. Shapes that do not represent anything in particular, such as those in Third Eye's logo, are typical of modern logos. Angular or geometric shapes. Designs made from grids, such as the Northampton logo, appear futuristic because of their many features that immediately make one think of “state-of-the-art” products. creativity. Artistic and modern styles have a lot in common. Nyrdy's monochrome logo, for example, could fall into either of these two categories. But its angular and minimalist forms definitely make it fall into the category of modern logos marginality.
If there was no missing quarter to the G of the Jamie Groom logo, it would have been put in the category of typographic logos. But it is precisely this little missing quarter that gives it its much sought after modern aspect. Humor. Along the same lines as marginality, logos that show humor also fall into this category. Accident Injury Resource plays on the known emblem of justice, the scales, not only to represent their line of business, but also as a joke. The modern style is particularly recommended for young and trendy brands with informal personalities. But this also means that this style is to be avoided for companies wishing to play on their seniority and respect for traditions. It all depends on how you want to be perceived. for brands that... Target a young audience Benefit from appearing futuristic or avant-garde Base their branding on humor or originality Want to add a touch of originality to their otherwise conventional style Black (and white) is back.