Anyone know know of a company or organization I could use to guide or check my stuff for setting up my trademarks and stuff in prep for putting my demo up on Steam?
I am not necessarily looking for a free service, but if its free that works. I thought there was some type of SBA entity
I have started a business* before for when I doing tech support on my own. But I know there are differences when it comes to gaming stuff.
I have left messages with a couple of black lawyers I was recommended, but I think I am too small for their time. Just get no response or they only deal with music stuff.
I am not necessarily looking for a free service, but if its free that works. I thought there was some type of SBA entity
I have started a business* before for when I doing tech support on my own. But I know there are differences when it comes to gaming stuff.
I have left messages with a couple of black lawyers I was recommended, but I think I am too small for their time. Just get no response or they only deal with music stuff.